Nässeljuice 200 ml
Nässeljuice 200 ml

Salus Nässeljuice 200 ml

  • 122kr

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I am a retired health professional, some years ago my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was sent home for palliative care, she only had hours or a few days at the most to live. She had melena from internal bleeding. Having an interest in herbal medicine I knew that nettles were a remedy for this. Within hours of taking this nettle juice the melena stopped and she went on living for another 6 months ! The cancer eventually killed her, but it was a peaceful passing with her family. The action of the nettles against internal bleeding is thought to be from it’s vitamin K content. Nettles are very under appreciated and have many other health benefits! Highly recommended.

Nässeljuice 200 ml

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