Slimfocus 200 ml
Slimfocus 200 ml

Jeanne Piaubert Slimfocus 200 ml

  • 200 ml Tillfälligt slut Påminn mig

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Yttranden av kunderna

5/5 2 recensioner
5 Stjärnor
4 Stjärnor
3 Stjärnor
2 Stjärnor
1 Stjärnor

Resultaten kan variera från person till person. Kundrecensioner är oberoende och representerar inte Carethys åsikter.

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The cream has a light texture, absorbs quickly and effectively tightens the skin. It smoothes out unevenness, gives flexibility and as a result, after a few weeks it clearly makes you slimmer.

The cream has a light texture, absorbs quickly and effectively tightens the skin. It smoothes out unevenness, gives flexibility and as a result, after a few weeks it clearly makes you slimmer.

Slimfocus 200 ml

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